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Press release new fund manager Svilen Katzarski

Successful fund manager Svilen Katzarski chooses BlackPoint


With Svilen Katzarski, one of the most successful fund managers of the last 16 years is moving to BlackPoint Asset Management. The 45-year-old will now be strengthening the fund management of the BlackPoint Evolution Fund, which he will manage together with Alexander Pirpamer and Marcel Huber.

BlackPoint Investment-Team

One of Germany's most successful fund managers is moving to BlackPoint: Svilen Katzarski is now strengthening the fund management of the BlackPoint Evolution Fund. The investment expert comes from Degussa Bank, where he has worked since 2008. There he headed fund management and was primarily responsible for asset allocation, stock and bond selection, and macroeconomic analysis. During his time there, he managed almost one billion euros in investment funds. Katzarski's track record speaks for itself: During this time, his funds were consistently among the top 1 percent of their Morningstar peer groups - and that across all periods. In addition, his achievements have been recognized with more than 30 awards in four different fund categories. With this new addition, BlackPoint is not only strengthening its fund management, but is also underlining its claim to position itself as a major provider of active fund management in the long term.

Svilen Katzarski, Senior Portfolio Manager

Svilen Katzarski, who holds a diploma in economics and a master's degree in econometrics from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, comments on his decision to join BlackPoint: "BlackPoint combines an experienced investment team with a clear, long-term strategy - this opens up new perspectives that suit me very well. I look forward to further developing the BlackPoint Evolution Fund together with my new colleagues."

Svilen Katzarski 1
A Pirpamer sm
Alexander Pirpamer, Founder and Managing Partner, BlackPoint Asset Management

Alexander Pirpamer is looking forward to the new addition:

"With Svilen Katzarski, we are gaining one of Germany's most successful fund managers as co-manager for the BlackPoint Evolution Fund. His expertise fits perfectly with our business model and is another important step for us - towards long-term success and a new benchmark in active fund management."

Eduardo Mollo Cunha, Founder and Managing Partner, BlackPoint Asset Management

For Eduardo Mollo Cunha, Svilen Katzarski is more than just a new colleague: "He is a statement of our commitment and our ambitions. Three years ago we started with a clear vision. Our concept is based on strong principles. These form the intersection of our beliefs: skin in the game, specialization, the power of time and quality, and equality of interests. The focus is on active fund management. And we are convinced that this can only be achieved with the best fund managers."


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About BlackPoint Asset Management 

BlackPoint Asset Management was founded in 2021 from the collaboration of investment experts who value their independence and the family office of Dr. Kurt Schwarz, former supervisory board member of Schwarz Pharma AG. The BlackPoint Evolution Fund, a mutual fund launched in November 2021, follows an asset management approach and is modeled on the family wealth strategy. The driving force is the idea of ​​managing liquid assets for investors sustainably and across generations, while at the same time being a reliable partner for professional investors who make decisions and advise on the investment assets of their customers or asset holders. This enables investors from all segments to invest directly alogside with BlackPoint managers and seed money families. The BlackPoint Evolution Fund took second place in the "Golden Bull" for fund innovation of the year in 2022, was awarded the "Transparent Bull" in 2023 and 2024 for its particularly high level of transparency and investor-friendly information policy, and received the "Boutique Award" in 2024 as the top 4 for its investor communication. (Learn more about us)

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You can invest in the BlackPoint Evolution Fund directly and securely online and always keep an eye on your investment thanks to daily transparency. This works with just a few clicks via BlackPoint digital, a service offered by FINTEXLAB, a brand of WMD Capital GmbH (HRB 226421 Commercial Register Munich), in cooperation with BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH.