BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH is entered in the commercial register of the Munich Local Court under number HRB 262183.
Managing directors
Alexander Pirpamer, Eduardo Mollo Cunha, Marcel Huber
VAT identification number
Supervisory authority
The company is a financial services institute approved by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) with the permission in accordance with Section 15 WpIG to provide the following investment services:
When providing these investment services, BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH may not acquire ownership or possession of funds or securities from customers and may not hold, acquire or sell financial instruments for its own account.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Marie-Curie-Strasse 24-28
60439 Frankfurt
BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH is a member of the Association of Independent Asset Managers (VuV) and the Compensation Scheme of Securities Trading Companies (EdW), an unincorporated federal fund set up at the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau.
Head office
BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH
Herrnstr. 44
80539 Munich
Phone: +49 . 89 . 124148 - 770
Fax: +49 . 89 . 124148 - 779
Representative office in Frankfurt
BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH
Opernplatz 14
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 . 69 . 170759 - 300
Fax: +49 . 69 . 170759 - 309
BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH
Herrnstr. 44
80539 Munich
Important Information
You can invest in the BlackPoint Evolution Fund directly and securely online and always keep an eye on your investment thanks to daily transparency. This works with just a few clicks via BlackPoint digital, a service offered by FINTEXLAB, a brand of WMD Capital GmbH (HRB 226421 Commercial Register Munich), in cooperation with BlackPoint Asset Management GmbH.